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Summer’s here, but now what?

Summer’s here, all of your hard work for the academic year is over and you’re basking in the relief of having no work to do. But, what happens when the novelty of having nothing to do wears off? The summer holiday is hyped up throughout the year as something to majorly look forward to; think holidays, nice(ish) weather and good times with friends. Nobody really thinks about the all consuming boredom you feel in between the good times. This can negatively impact your mood as there seems to be a pressure to enjoy every second of summer while it lasts. Here are some things to remember when your summer feels particularly boring. 

Stop comparing your summer to everyone else’s based on social media 

All year round (but especially now that summer’s here) the age of Instagram has made it easy to think everybody is having a much better time than yourself. Remember that everyone is only going to post pictures of their good times, nobody shows their boring days. Twisting your perspective can also be helpful. Instead of feeling down in response to people posting about their summer activities, use them as inspiration! If something looks fun, aim to do it or start saving for it. This can make you feel accomplished and have something to look forward to. 

If you feel social media is making you feel down constantly, it might be time to take a break. 

Try not to mope around the house

Boredom breeds boredom; the more bored and down you feel, the less motivated you will be to actively look for something to do. Even if you are stuck in the house, there are things to do that will make you feel productive and more motivated. Even mundane tasks like reorganising your room will make you feel accomplished. Obviously money is a big reason why students feel bored, fun typically requires funds. It goes without saying to find a summer job if boredom and money are a problem, but there are more plus sides. Working will make you feel like you’ve been productive and not wasted the day. You will also genuinely enjoy your days off and be more motivated to make plans for them! Just because summer’s here, doesn’t mean you should do nothing.

It’s okay to not enjoy summer!

It must be said that summer isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, some people just prefer winter. It isn’t difficult to see why summer is disappointing, especially with the UK ‘summer’ weather. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a factor that not many people think of in terms of summer, it isn’t just experienced in winter! Always seek support from those close to you when feeling down. If your symptoms worsen you should contact your GP/local counselling service.

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1 thought on “Summer’s here, but now what?”

  1. Pingback: Things to think about when planning a holiday with your friends |

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