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The perks of being single at Uni

Before we went to Uni we were all told by at least one clueless older relative that we’d most likely meet our future husband or wife there. If you don’t find the love of your life in the very first week in a meet-cute straight out of a romance novel then you’ve failed, right? Wrong. If that’s you, then great. But its definitely not for all of us. Here’s why being single at Uni is actually the best.

Having control of your own life

It sounds dramatic, but seriously. Imagine being in your late teens or early twenties and worrying about getting home on time so your girlfriend doesn’t ask suspicious questions about where you’ve been. Or not being able to wear your favourite skirt because you boyfriend doesn’t like it. Not being able to watch the next episode of American Horror Story without waiting for someone else. Planing your week around when they’re free. If you can stand putting up with that, more power to you. But personally it makes me very glad to be single at Uni because I don’t have to answer to anyone, for anything.

Being free to meet new people

Your University campus is most likely comprised of the most diverse range of people you’ll ever meet. You get the chance to build relationships with people from all over the country, and even the world. If you’re already dating someone, that won’t stop you from making friends, but personally I enjoy being able to spend time with whoever I choose without an SO tagging along.

More time to study!

We forget sometimes that this is what Uni is actually for. Not having a boyfriend/ girlfriend means you can devote as much time as you want to your studies, without any distractions. It also means you can try out different work experience options/ get a side hustle – without having to spend your hard earned money on ridiculous stuffed animals and chocolates on Valentine’s Day. Get your degree now, think about love later.

Focussing on yourself

In the words of RuPaul, if you can’t love yourself how in the hell are you going to love somebody else? Totally cliche, but also true. Being single at Uni gives you a chance to focus on yourself. We’re young, and still very much in the stage of learning things about ourselves. I don’t know about you, but I’d much rather put my energy into myself than into worrying about why a mediocre boy didn’t text me back.

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