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How to approach post-Christmas exams

I hate to mention the E word, but exams are fast approaching. When I was at uni I absolutely hated the post-Christmas exam period. I just think it’s so cruel to make people revise over Christmas! Here are some ways that you can get all of your work done, smash exams and still enjoy the break.

Work out what you actually need to do and have a plan

I’m pretty sure that I had 4 exams in the January of final year, which was a lot! I know that coming up to Christmas break, it can be pretty overwhelming knowing how much you have to do. Christmas is tough too as there are so many days that you just can’t revise on (and who even wants to revise on Christmas Day anyway?). The best thing to do is work out exactly what you have to do. Do you have any assignments due over the break? When exactly are your exams? What days are you going to leave clear to do things that you want to do? Ask yourself all of those questions and go from there.

Remember you have time in between exams too

Unless you have got extremely unlucky and have back to back exams, chances are you’ll have time in between exams to revise too. Say you have 4 days in between exams, you’ll have loads of time to revise – think about what you would get done in 4 days at home. Sometimes we panic that we have to get it all done and learnt before exams, when really the exam period is long and drawn out, and there’s time within it to learn!

Take time off

With so much to do, it can be hard to find any time to actually take a break. I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again – make sure you have some time off. It’s way more productive to do 2 hours of solid work than 8 hours with distractions and a lack of focus. Aside from the obvious days off with family over the Christmas period, make sure you have days off for yourself. Go Christmas shopping, make plans with friends, sit in bed and binge Netflix. Make sure you have some me time.

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